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The wellness section of the app is also a treasure trove of discovery, featuring guided erotic exercises and how-tos. Their short audio stories are often character- and emotion-driven on top of being hot, so if you’re someone who likes a little plot with your porn, Dipsea has a huge library for you. Often called the Headspace of Erotica, Dipsea has a mix of original audio stories and wellness content meant to connect you to your sexuality and desires. Check out these apps and sites to get started: 1. From guided masturbation tutorials to hot original stories, there’s bound to be something out there that will turn you on. Where I used to have to dig up porny audio clips on Tumblr, I now have my pick of a wide variety of new apps and sites for anyone who wants to get in touch with their sexuality and get off using their ears. Luckily for me, audible porn (and similar sexy audio-based sex and wellness content) is on the rise.

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Don’t get me wrong, I’m also a fan of watching my porn, but there’s something uniquely satisfying about listening and tapping into your own imagination with the help of anything from narrated erotica to standalone porn sounds. In my humble and horny opinion, audio porn is a deeply underrated way of consuming your smut.

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