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The sexiest guy in the bunch is Snow Bunni who has an incredible lower back that lets him stick his ass out in a manner that would make anyone want to climb aboard. Two of the guys are lighter skinned, which is funny because they happen to be the two that end up getting bent over and fucked. Jus Incredible, Markell, Snow Bunni and Skittlez are all hanging out playing a game of truth or dare when things get sexual. This dorm is jam-packed with dudes who love to have sex with each other, and all of the scenes are incredibly hot but the final one takes the cake. Ice King is one sexy fucking top who knows how to take his time making sure the bottom’s gets used to his impressive length and size by working his entire shaft in and out of the bottom’s aching hole. The hung dude is paired up with Syxx who pays special attention to every inch of Ice King’s shaft and balls with his mouth before he rolls a condom over it and throws his legs up in the air for some easy access. Ice King makes a special guest appearance in the 15th installment of the popular series.

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